Founded in 2007, The Oakley Pedalers offers weekly club rides with a friendly club culture and ethos. We are a social crowd of mixed ability road cyclists that enjoy riding in a group, and equally enjoy the various great coffee stops en-route. If you are interested in cycling and have a reasonable level of fitness then why not join us for one of our regular Saturday or Sunday morning club rides.
Cycling is known for its friendly community, and those already hooked on the sport are known for spreading the cycling love and encouraging new people to get involved. For some, the love for Road Cycling was born out of lockdown, with many using it as a healthy way to help maintain good well-being for both mind and body. Joining a cycling club can be a natural evolution from solo to group riding and can help to develop new cycling skills and all round improved fitness.
Our philosophy is simple, to encourage people of all ages to get involved in road cycling so that they can discover the pleasures and benefits of cycling within the company of a small, informal, friendly group. Whilst we are mainly a road cycling club, we occasionally organise off road rides, with many of our members also passionate about mountain biking and gravel riding.
If you have been cycling solo and have been thinking about joining a club, but apprehensive about riding in a group or worried that you might not be fit enough, then come and try us out before signing up for membership. We have all been in the same place, feeling somewhat apprehensive or intimidated about the prospect of joining a formal club or riding in a group. Hopefully you will find that our members are like minded, normal, friendly folk of mixed cycling abilities who simply love to cycle.
Group riding itself is so much fun especially when the pace picks up, whether being pulled along by the group, shielded from the wind, or taking a turn on the front helping to drag others along, it is certainly a very different experience to riding solo. Each weekend we have a regular group of riders meeting up for rides, and during the summer months we also hold regular special events and cycling awaydays. See our events page for our calendar and details of our seasonal program for more information. Please contact the membership secretary if you would like to join us for a ride. We allow up to 3 rides as a guest rider, simple complete our guest rider form before arriving for a ride.